Tuesday, 28 April 2020

audit 旁听

audit v. 除了审计的意思外,还有一个不常用的意思- 旁听 attend academic courses without getting credit

Example: Audit access expires 29 May 2020

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good 不要让自己对完美的不切实际的预期 阻碍自己做事

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good 不要钻牛角尖,让自己对完美的不切实际的预期 阻碍自己做事。这话来源于 Perfect is the enemy of good 

The 80/20 rule explains this numerically. For example, it takes 20% of the full time to complete 80% of a task while to complete the last 20% of a task takes 80% of the effort. Achieving absolute perfection may be impossible and so, as increasing effort results in diminishing returns, further activity becomes increasingly inefficient.

Trying to make something perfect can actually prevent us from making it just good. Perfection in its elusive glory is like a unicorn. Sure, it sounds great, but who has actually seen one? I’d rather ride a real horse than wait for an imagined unicorn. 子曰:宁做有瑕玉,不做无瑕石,就是这个意思。

If you can’t achieve perfection, don’t sweat it. Go for good instead. Instead of pushing yourself to an impossible perfect, and therefore getting nowhere, accept good. Many things worth doing are worth doing imperfectly.

However, many high-achieving people are perfectionists. 

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

resolution 决议

resolution 决议


  • Corporate resolution 公司决议
  • Joint resolution 联合决议案
  • Members can resolve differences between themselves by voting on resolutions at general meetings.

Monday, 13 April 2020

scrub 手术室的消毒衣

special hygienic clothing worn by surgeons during operations. 手术室的消毒衣,也叫洗手衣,长这样。
Bill emerged from the delivery room in green scrubs.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

denigrate 贬低、诋毁

denigrate 贬低、诋毁 criticize unfairly; disparage.

Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country.

No one is trying to denigrate the importance of a good education. We all know that it is crucial for success.

improving the security situation can neither be denied nor denigrated, but Haiti will need a more robust judicial system in the future.

defibrillator 心脏除颤器

defibrillator: devices that apply an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. If the heart rhythm stops due to...