e.g. Pulling up the drawbridge on students who want to learn through reforms that ultimately reduce student choice risks damaging the life chances of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
drawbridge 吊桥
a bridge, especially one over a castle's moat, which is hinged at one end so that it may be raised to prevent people crossing or to allow vessels to pass under it.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
A very sensitive person. Someone who is easily hurt or offended by the statements or actions of others. The term has nothing to do with politics and snowflakes can be liberal or conservative in their views, but usage would show that it is a term far more readily employed by the right to describe the left, than the other way round.
Friday, 9 July 2021
on the back foot 处于劣势
on the back foot 处于劣势 at a disadvantage; out-manoeuvred or outclassed by an opponent
e.g. This not only put him on the back foot, it also meant he was not able to support her as well as he could.
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defibrillator 心脏除颤器
defibrillator: devices that apply an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. If the heart rhythm stops due to...
Mont Blanc 是 阿尔卑斯山 的最高峰,位于法国 和意大利 交界处。 Mont Blanc 海拔4810米,是 西欧 的最高峰。 作为一种意大利甜点,Mont Blanc 是 一种制作成积雪山峰形状的 栗子蛋糕 , 因其形似 阿尔卑斯山 的Mont Blanc.
amygdala 杏仁体,脑室掌管情绪的部分。 有调节内脏活动和产生情绪的功能。引发应急反应,让动物能够挺身而战或是逃离危险。杏仁核体积不大,但对情绪反应十分重要,尤其是恐惧。当动物个体遭遇伤害性刺激,大脑杏仁核的特定区域会“学会害怕”,从而产生恐惧的记忆。 杏仁核可以产生情绪激...
极简主义生活方式,是对自身的再认识,对自由的再定义。深入分析自己,首先了解什么对自己最重要,然后用有限的时间和精力,专注地追求,从而获得最大幸福。放弃不能带来效用的物品,控制徒增烦恼的精神活动,简单生活,从而获得最大的精神自由。 1 欲望极简 了解自己的真实欲望,不受外在潮...